Adobe flash mx 2004 tutorial
Adobe flash mx 2004 tutorial

adobe flash mx 2004 tutorial

The more keyframes Flash inserts, the higher the file size will ultimately be. Oddly, the lower the value, the more keyframes Flash inserts, although entering 0 inserts no keyframes.

adobe flash mx 2004 tutorial

The Keyframes slider sets the keyframe interval for the video-the number of keyframes Flash inserts. The Bandwidth and Quality sliders are related, so as you adjust one, the other is adjusted automatically: The compression screen is simpler in MX 2004 than it was in MX.

  • You can select from pre-defined compression profiles, based on the anticipated bandwidth of your users, or you can edit one of these settings by clicking the Edit button, or create a new profile by selecting Create new profile from the Compression profile drop-down menu:.
  • adobe flash mx 2004 tutorial

    Clips let you define multiple in and out points for the video. This is a relatively simple screen that lets you divide the video into discrete clips. To see the editing options, select Edit the video first and click Next.This leads to the screen shown previously, where you’re asked if you want to edit the video first. If you selected a QuickTime format, the first screen of the wizard asks you whether you want to link to or embed the video: In the Import dialog, navigate to the video file and click Open.From the File menu, select Import and then Import to Stage or Import to Library.As an embedded video, the user only needs the Flash player to view the movie. The linked video remains external to Flash. Keep in mind that if you link to a QuickTime video, rather than embedding it, you’ll have to publish your SWF file as a QuickTime video.

    Adobe flash mx 2004 tutorial